
How to freeze date/time in VirtualBox?

I would like to ask how you can freeze the time and date in the virtual bios
so that it always starts at the sme time. I am running a Vista x64 host and
a x32 Ubuntuu 8.10.
I only found a thread which I can't access
(the first result). I found out that in VmWare this can be achived by
editing the *.vmx file and adding:

time.synchronize.continue = "FALSE"
time.synchronize.restore = "FALSE"
time.synchronize.resume.disk = "FALSE"
time.synchronize.shrink = "FALSE"
rtc.startTime = 1199206860
time.synchronize.tools.startup = FALSE

Does anyone know how to achieve similar results in Virtualbox?

Thank you for your time

You can't set an exact start time in VBox but you can set a BIOS time offset
from your current host system clock with
VBoxManage modifyvm <name> -biossystemtimeoffset <msec>

There is nothing to stop you writing a simple script to compute this delta,
do the modifyvm and then start your machine. This should enable you to fix
the start time within a second or so, but not exactly the same.
Read the Forum Posting Guide
Google your Q site:VirtualBox.org or search for the answer before posting.


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