This is a directory of tutorials and open-source code repositories for working with Keras, the Python deep learning library.
If you have a high-quality tutorial or project to add, please open a PR.
Official starter resources
- - Keras documentation
- Getting started with the Sequential model
- Getting started with the functional API
- Keras FAQ
- Quick start: the Iris dataset in Keras and scikit-learn
- Using pre-trained word embeddings in a Keras model
- Building powerful image classification models using very little data
- Building Autoencoders in Keras
- A complete guide to using Keras as part of a TensorFlow workflow
- Introduction to Keras, from University of Waterloo: video - slides
- Introduction to Deep Learning with Keras, from CERN: video - slides
- Installing Keras for deep learning
- Develop Your First Neural Network in Python With Keras Step-By-Step
- Understanding Stateful LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks in Python with Keras
- Time Series Prediction with LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks in Python with Keras
- Keras video tutorials from Dan Van Boxel
- Keras Deep Learning Tutorial for Kaggle 2nd Annual Data Science Bowl
- Collection of tutorials setting up DNNs with Keras
Code examples
Working with text
- Reuters topic classification
- LSTM on the IMDB dataset (text sentiment classification)
- Bidirectional LSTM on the IMDB dataset
- 1D CNN on the IMDB dataset
- 1D CNN-LSTM on the IMDB dataset
- LSTM-based network on the bAbI dataset
- Memory network on the bAbI dataset (reading comprehension question answering)
- Sequence to sequence learning for performing additions of strings of digits
- LSTM text generation
- Using pre-trained word embeddings
- Monolingual and Multilingual Image Captioning
- FastText on the IMDB dataset
- Structurally constrained recurrent nets text generation
- Character-level convolutional neural nets for text classification
- LSTM to predict gender of a name
Working with images
- Simple CNN on MNIST
- Simple CNN on CIFAR10 with data augmentation
- Inception v3
- VGG 16 (with pre-trained weights)
- VGG 19 (with pre-trained weights)
- ResNet 50 (with pre-trained weights): 1 - 2
- FractalNet
- AlexNet, VGG 16, VGG 19, and class heatmap visualization
- Visual-Semantic Embedding
- Variational Autoencoder: with deconvolutions - with upsampling
- Visual question answering
- Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth
- Smile detection with a CNN
- t-SNE of image CNN fc7 activations
- VGG16 Deconvolution network
- Wide Residual Networks (with pre-trained weights): 1 - 2
- Ultrasound nerve segmentation: 1 - 2
- DeepMask object segmentation
- Densely Connected Convolutional Networks: 1 - 2
- Snapshot Ensembles: Train 1, Get M for Free
Creative visual applications
- Real-time style transfer
- Style transfer: 1 - 2
- Image analogies: Generate image analogies using neural matching and blending.
- Visualizing the filters learned by a CNN
- Deep dreams
- GAN / DCGAN: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
- InfoGAN
- pix2pix
- DFI: Deep Feature Interpolation
- Colorful Image colorization: B&W to color
Reinforcement learning
- FlappyBird DQN
- async-RL: Tensorflow + Keras + OpenAI Gym implementation of 1-step Q Learning from "Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning"
- keras-rl: A library for state-of-the-art reinforcement learning. Integrates with OpenAI Gym and implements DQN, double DQN, Continuous DQN, and DDPG.
Miscallenous architecture blueprints
Third-party libraries
- Elephas: Distributed Deep Learning with Keras & Spark
- Hyperas: Hyperparameter optimization
- Hera: in-browser metrics dashboard for Keras models
- Kerlym: reinforcement learning with Keras and OpenAI Gym
- Qlearning4K: reinforcement learning add-on for Keras
- seq2seq: Sequence to Sequence Learning with Keras
- Seya: Keras extras
- Keras Language Modeling: Language modeling tools for Keras
- Recurrent Shop: Framework for building complex recurrent neural networks with Keras
- Keras.js: Run trained Keras models in the browser, with GPU support
- keras-vis: Neural network visualization toolkit for keras.
Projects built with Keras
- RocAlphaGo: An independent, student-led replication of DeepMind's 2016 Nature publication, "Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search"
- DeepJazz: Deep learning driven jazz generation using Keras
- dataset-sts: Semantic Text Similarity Dataset Hub
- snli-entailment: Independent implementation of attention model for textual entailment from the paper "Reasoning about Entailment with Neural Attention".
- Headline generator: independent implementation of Generating News Headlines with Recurrent Neural Networks
The best way for you as an aspiring data scientist to increase your ability level is through practice. And what better way to put your technological skills into practice than project making. Personal projects are an important part of development in your career.
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