



dpavlin@x200:/rest/cvs/openocd$ git remote -v  origin  git://openocd.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/openocd/openocd (fetch)  origin  git://openocd.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/openocd/openocd (push)  dpavlin@x200:/rest/cvs/openocd$ ./configure --enable-verbose --enable-verbose-usb-io --enable-ft2232_libftdi  dpavlin@x200:/rest/cvs/openocd$ make  




If you have raw access to flash load a SPL+Recovery compatible with your radio

SPL starts at: 0x02400000 (block 288) hboot.img
Recovery starts at: 0x26c0000 (block 310) recovery.img

2005 SPL:

Tidus:spl ezterry$ ../fastboot-mac oem listpartition  ... INFO[radio] start block=0, size=287 (36736 KB)  INFO[hboot] start block=288, size=6 (768 KB)  INFO[misc] start block=294, size=2 (256 KB)  INFO[mfg] start block=296, size=2 (256 KB)  INFO[sp1] start block=298, size=6 (768 KB)  INFO[misc2] start block=304, size=3 (384 KB)  INFO[mfg2] start block=307, size=3 (384 KB)  INFO[recovery] start block=310, size=40 (5120 KB)  INFO[boot] start block=350, size=20 (2560 KB)  INFO[system] start block=370, size=720 (92160 KB)  INFO[cache] start block=1090, size=240 (30720 KB)  INFO[userdata] start block=1330, size=718 (91904 KB)  INFO[cpld] start block=0, size=0 (0 KB)  INFO[microp] start block=0, size=0 (0 KB)  OKAY  



That said before doing anything else take out your multi meter (and if you don't have one you are missing a tool for this type of work) and check the following:

blue-light mode

1) Put phone into blue light mode if serial is attached and power isn't: you will see bootmode 1

dpavlin@x200:/virtual/android$ ./neocon /dev/ttyUSB0   [Closed]  [Open /dev/ttyUSB0]    boot reason: PM_KPD_PWR_KEY_ON_RT_ST    (PowerOn Status,Boot Reason)=(1,1)  NAND_FLASH_READ_ID : SAMSUNG_256MB_FLASH_128MB_SDRAM    ARM9_BOOT_MODE1  Invalid command : ?  

v-ref = 2.6v

2) verify your v-ref is actually 2.6v (usually within 0.05v) when compared to the ground (any of the shielding) of the main board. You have one of the right points so there is an issue with the connection if its not.

oprnocd, trst-n = 2.6v

dpavlin@x200:/virtual/android/HTC-Dream-G1-JTAG$ sudo openocd   Open On-Chip Debugger 0.4.0 (2010-02-23-17:04)  Licensed under GNU GPL v2  For bug reports, read          http://openocd.berlios.de/doc/doxygen/bugs.html  trst_and_srst separate srst_gates_jtag trst_push_pull srst_open_drain  dcc downloads are enabled  fast memory access is enabled  Info : clock speed 6000 kHz  Info : JTAG tap: arm9.cpu tap/device found: 0xa01700e1 (mfg: 0x070, part: 0x0170, ver: 0xa)  Info : Embedded ICE version 6  Info : arm9: hardware has 2 breakpoint/watchpoint units  

3) now start open ocd: and check that trst-n is now also 2.6v when compared to ground. (if not your adapter is not working with the 2.6v.. very possible)

nTRST must be at high level (~2.6V) after openocd is launched.
With nTRST sticking low the MSM7201A debug unit is in reset state.

Maybe you'll have to tweak the cfg file. There are several options for the behaviour of nTRST.
If you don't manage to find a working cfg, you may cut the nTRST connection to your adaptor and pull the Dream's nTRST signal to Vref=2.6V permanently.
Normally this should also work... the debug unit will then leave reset state immediately after power up.

Maybe you'll have to tweak the cfg file. There are several options for the behaviour of nTRST.
If you don't manage to find a working cfg, you may cut the nTRST connection to your adaptor and pull the Dream's nTRST signal to Vref=2.6V permanently.
Normally this should also work... the debug unit will then leave reset state immediately after power up.


4) with that done and you are still having problems as we said before check the soldering work.. Here there are two possibilities:

    A) bridges - the wire is in contact with something in addition to the testpoint
    B) bad joints - while the wire may act attached it is not. (Others must be able to explain this better than myself..)

    The tiniest bit of flux goes a long way here..

    One quick thing you can test is that none of the 5 test points are connected to ground (disconnect rtck for now its one less variable) and that none are shorted to eachother.


Other things to check:

  • How long are the wires.. My setup runs much faster and the wires are not exactly short .. but the more wire the more chance for noise..
  • is the speed acceptable with the parport (if this is a real parport I'll hope openocd has sane defaults but it is something to keep in mind)
  • phone is in blue light mode (the phone can disable the jtag port.. this happens when amss is booted either via the GO2AMSS command or when the linux kernel is started. I also have no issue connecting to JTAG while the battery is charging.
  • Ensure the openocd application is not running when you boot the phone.

softload radio ROM

dpavlin@x200:~$ nc 4444  ��������Open On-Chip Debugger  > halt  halt  cp15 read operation timed out  cp15 read operation timed out  cp15 read operation timed out  cp15 read operation timed out  cp15 read operation timed out  cp15 read operation timed out  cp15 write operation timed out  target state: halted  target halted in ARM state due to debug-request, current mode: Supervisor  cpsr: 0x600000d3 pc: 0x00907aa0  MMU: disabled, D-Cache: enabled, I-Cache: enabled    > load_image /home/dpavlin/ipad/jtag-g1/flash/radio- 0x103B5300  load_image /home/dpavlin/ipad/jtag-g1/flash/radio- 0x103B5300  No working memory available. Specify -work-area-phys to target.  no working area available, falling back to memory writes  22020096 bytes written at address 0x103b5300  downloaded 22020096 bytes in 1208.393921s (17.796 kb/s)  > resume  resume  > shutdown  shutdown

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