
Radio AT Commands

Using my method of Talking to the Radio modem directly using a remote console using serial-over-USB I issued a large number of commands to investigate responses. Some resulted in ERROR responses but a large proportion returned information. Much of the information made sense and shed some light on the radio internals.

I logged all the remote sessions and have now cleaned them up to leave just the commands that work and their responses. I've further separated them into topics to help get a sense of order from them, grouping logically similar commands and results together.

I've retained the commands and results in text log files that are attached to this article. It would be redundant to copy them into the page and wasteful of resources since they total over 1,000 lines.

Interesting Commands

I expected the radio might not allow system-level control commands so I was surprised when I found the command to turn the device power off. I was also pleased because this infers that the radio assumes the client has rights to issue the commands without having to provide any authorisation.


There are a few commands that report extensively on the configuration of the hardware, including External Bus Interface (EBI) 0 to memory, General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO), and the Power Management (PMIC):


A bonus, although not immediately useful, is a command to set GPIO level:

AT@gpio_out  usage: at@gpio_out-->Num=ffffffff, Output_level=0   


Using the Remote Terminal

When the connection starts I issue two commands to enable verbose response codes:

+PB_READY  ATE1  0  ATV1  OK  

when querying a value try the 'standard' value enquiry format which is to suffix the command with a question-mark, e.g:

AT@PID?  @PID: 79,"VISION"  

However, some commands will return ERROR using that form in which case leave the question-mark off, e.g:

AT@BUILDDATE  Oct 26 2010 14:30:02  

Be careful because some commands in this format will do something, e.g:


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